Korvosa Dorian's Fast Food

Dorian's Fast Food take away is a 15x15 kiosk on the edge of Gold Market. It has two serving hatches and a simple fire place with a cooking area and a couple of ovens.

When Dorian isn't there, Ettie and Dina do most of the cooking while Colin takes and serves orders. Ben and Franz help Abner collecting ingredients from suppliers and running deliveries.


  • Pseudodragon's Wings: Smaller, single portion sized, pastries made to the same recipe as Oliphant's Ears,
  • Fish Dumplings: upscale Dock Dumplings, made with real fish and served in a bread pocket.
  • Sav on a Stick: A simple sausage, deep fried in batter, and served on a stick to keep customers fingers clean.
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